@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » Vopt 9.12 快速!高效!的重組硬碟程式~new

2009-4-10 16:38 thread50
【軟體名稱】:Vopt 9.12
【檔案大小】:3.5 MB

用Windows 內建的磁碟重組功能又老是等待一段很長時間而苦惱的朋友不妨試試看VoptXP!

* Fast - When used regularly, it finishes in a few minutes.
* Safe - Your disk data is fully protected.
* Easy - You can choose manual or automatic defragmentation--daily or weekly.
* Powerful - Includes great tools for tuning your system and cleaning-up unwanted trash.

Changes from 9.09 to 9.10

USN Journal management moved to the Cleanup dialog.
Minor problem fixes.


2009-4-10 17:39 winsonlok
i want it

2009-4-11 00:03 skylui
thank you~

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