@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » NOD32 Anti Virus & Internet Security 4.0.467[Key Finder]

2009-9-26 22:05 JICKYLE
NOD32 Anti Virus & Internet Security 4.0.467[Key Finder]

NOD32 Anti Virus & Internet Security 4.0.467[Key Finder]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [font=標楷體]【軟體介紹】:
為了保證重要訊息的安全,在平靜中呈現極佳的性能。不需要那些龐大的互聯網安全套裝,ESET NOD32就可針對肆虐的病毒威脅為您提供快速而全面的保護。它極易使用,您所要做的只是:設置它,並忘記它!
單獨地運行病毒、黑客軟體、廣告插件和間諜軟體的防護程序會拖慢您的電腦,並難於進行管理,必將帶來安全問題。小心那些臃腫的互聯網安全套裝,它會佔用您電腦數百兆的空間。它們的存在是因為商家把現有的產品捆綁在一起。相反, ESETNOD32則設計了一個高效的內核,作為一個單獨的、高度優化的引擎,提供統一的安全保護,防止不斷的更新病毒、蠕蟲、間諜程序的惡意攻擊。ESETNOD32擁有先進的ThreatSense R技術(專利申請中),可通過對惡意代碼進行分析,實時偵測未知的病毒,讓您時刻走在病毒編寫者的前面。
ESET NOD32節約內存和硬盤上的資源,讓它們為更重要的應用服務,本軟體只有11M,平均佔用23M的內存(根據檢測狀態會有變化)。Threatsense  R每次更新(包括啟發式邏輯和病毒特徵碼)通常都只有 20KB到50KB左右。選擇ESET NOD32將更加有效。
強大的安全防護絕不拖慢電腦。ESET NOD32是用大量的彙編語言編寫而成,因其最快的偵測速度和高效的查殺能力而連續地獲獎,平均比其競爭對手快3到34倍(源自: Virus Bulletin)。選擇ESET NOD32可提升您的電腦性能。
ESETNOD32會自動進行自我更新,如果您是個人使用或是家庭辦公的話,您根本不用去管理它。對於大型企業,我們提供了強大的遠程分佈式的網絡管理,管理員可以集中部署、安裝、監測和管理成千上萬的ESET NOD32工作站和服務器。 最小影響和最快的速度可以得到的最好的保護。ESETNOD32能夠多層次地保護你的組織,在桌面、文件服務器和郵件網關。都能為您提供最佳的解決方案。
啟發式是最有效的安全保護,病毒程序的防護必須要在其對電腦造成影響前實時地進行。那些時刻等待著病毒特徵庫更新的防毒軟體會給攻擊打開一扇窗,稍不留神就有可能給您造成災難性的後果。ESET NOD32則憑借其ThreatSense R技術,將會關閉這扇窗,而不像大部分依靠特徵庫更新的防毒軟體。
[/font][font=標楷體][b]NOD32 Antivirus 4.0.467
[/b][/font][b][font=標楷體]ESET NOD32 Antivirus System -Integrated, Real-Time Protection against viruses, worms, trojans,spyware, adware, phishing, and hackers. Best detection, fastestperformance and smallest footprint.
NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-artprotection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systemsrunning various platforms from Microsoft Windows, through a number ofUNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft ExchangeServer, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.
NOD32 provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection againstthreats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running variousplatforms from Microsoft Windows through a number of UNIX/Linux,Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, LotusDomino and other mail servers.
Trojans, viruses, worms and other malware using NOD32 are kept out ofstriking distance of your valuable data. Advanced detection methodsimplemented in the software even provide protection against the futurethreats from most of the new worms and viruses.
The fourth generation of the NOD32 Antivirus System features a fullyintegrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detectiontrack record, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilizationof system resources.
NOD32's detection efficiency combined with 2-50 times faster hard diskscanning rate earned the product many international prestigious awards.
NOD32 is the world leader of the Virus Bulletin 100% Awards having wonmore awards (21) than any competing product. Since its first submissionfor testing in May 1998, NOD32 was the only tested product that hasnever missed a single In the Wild virus.
[b][font=標楷體]ESET Smart Security 4.0.467[/font]
ESET Smart Security is a tightly integrated solution designed toprotect computers from a range of threats. Built on the award-winningESET NOD32® Antivirus and its powerful ThreatSense® engine, ESET SmartSecurity provides antispyware, antispam and customized firewallfeatures. Utilizing ThreatSense — the industry's most advancedheuristics — the window of vulnerability between virus outbreak andsignature update is reduced.
The key advantage of this approach is that individual protectionmodules are able to communicate together seamlessly, to createunparalleled synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness ofprotection. Moreover, the integrated architecture guarantees optimalutilization of system resources, so ESET Smart Security continuesESET's well know reputation for providing rock solid security in asmall footprint that will not slow down an individual's computer.
ESET Smart Security provides:
* Proactive Protection: award winning ThreatSense technology combinesmultiple layers of detection protecting you from Internet threatsbefore it is too late. The included antispam and personal firewallfeatures provide you with a total security solution.
* Precise Detection: ESET accurately identifies known and unknownthreats. It consistently wins top awards from testing labs and isrecognized for having zero false positives.
* Lightweight Design: Smart Security requires less memory and CPUpower, allowing your computer to run fast, making more room for games,web browsing, and emailing.
* Fast Scanning Speeds: ESET Smart Security is a highly efficientprogram ensuring fast file scanning and product updates, while runningquietly in the background.
ESET Smart Security is a new product designed to provide comprehensiveprotection against a variety of threats. It features the following:
• The next version of ESET's anti-malware engine with comprehensiveprotection against adware, rootkits, spyware, Trojan horses, viruses,worms and other types of malicious software
• A personal firewall with port stealthing and advanced filtering features
• An antispam filter with Bayesian filtering, whitelisting and blacklisting.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware
• This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winningscanning engine of NOD32 Antivirus v2.7. With respect to program'sunprecedented scanning speed, the following improvements have been made:
• Improved system of cleaning and deleting infiltrations. The antivirussystem now intelligently cleans and deletes infiltrations with no needfor user interaction.
• Computer scan can be run in background in order to use only a part of system resources. Thus scanning will not affect the
performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual.
• The resident protection supports archive scanning.
• Update optimization, smaller update package size than in version 2.7,more effective management and protection of update files against damage.
• Email protection for users of Outlook Express.
ESET Personal Firewall
• Firewall monitors all traffic between a protected computer and othercomputers in the local network and in the Internet. High qualityprotection is provided by the following functions:
• Scanning of application protocols HTTP and POP3 (used for Internetbrowsing and for retrieving email from servers) for infiltrations.
• Checking low-level network communication which helps to avoid many of various remote attacks.
• Ability to recognize the character of network connections establishedby various types of infiltrations and ability to automaticallyterminate them.
• Filtering of incoming and outgoing communication based on user defined rules.
• Monitoring changes in executable files.
• Interactive and automatic mode. The former enables you to create yourown filtering rules, the latter filters all communication automatically.
ESET Anti Spam
• ESET Anti Spam serves to filter unsolicited email, which makes yourwork with email more effective. The key features of the ESET Anti Spamare:
• Support for the RCF email format
• Supports several scanning techniques including the combination of Bayesian filter, virus signatures and user defined rules.
• Supports the creation of Blacklist and Whitelist.
• Integration with the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client.
• Ability to control multiple messages simultaneously.
If you are interested in computer security and would like to get achance to influence the development of ESET's security systems, weinvite you to join our Early Access program. Gain early access to thelatest technology in beta and release candidate stages.
Changes in ESET Smart Security 4.0.437:
* Fixed: After installation of ESET Smart Security 4.0.424 some web sites are blocked with http scanner (seznam.cz)
* Fixed: Thunderbird plugin may corrupt email in some occasions + several minor fixes
* Minor fixes in ESET SysInspector
* Fixed: Problem with the creation of Rescue CD after reinstallation from ESET Smart Security 4 to ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4
[font=標楷體][b]- install program
- Use the Eset Special Key Finder V.1 to register
- enjoy!
- seed please![/b][/font]


2009-9-28 17:59 aya0915

2009-10-1 23:53 iamaduck
what is the password?

2009-10-2 00:02 賴大禹

2009-10-4 23:08 lanshan

2009-10-5 01:13 sliver1111

2009-10-7 01:00 Borobo
小弟下了之後,無法通過認證。 而且連結的Keyfinder會跑出木馬偵測說。

2009-10-12 22:21 ltc9368
非常感謝!辛苦了,有用!有用! 值得收藏!!:11:

2010-2-4 22:28 wjjuns99

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