@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » Astronut (2011/ENG/iPhone/iPad)

2011-3-7 11:39 bunnylai
Astronut (2011/ENG/iPhone/iPad)


[b]Astronut (2011/ENG/iPhone/iPad) | 35 MB [/b][/align]
Cool space conceals many mysteries and dangers. Not everyone deserves to know the intergalactic secrets. Only the most daring and desperate people go to the interplanetary vacuum in the study. If you want to feel in the role of the astronaut, is doing the way through the depths of outer space, just for you in the App Store game appeared Astronut.

This is a fun arcade game in which you want to move in zero gravity between the countless planets, rotating around its axis. The game is played on the reaction, you need only to finish in time to jump. The aim - to get from one side of the galaxy to another. Interfere in the journey will be all sorts of cosmic beings who want to eat the poor astronaut. They are best to stay as far as possible.

At first, the planet, among whom you move, seem to be quite friendly. They can be a bit povertetsya, think about the meaning of life and how much further to keep the path. But this will not last long. Soon, the galaxies will fall the black hole, ****s with every second you deeper into yourself; fiery asteroids covered with lava, which can fry like a fish in a skillet; mechanized balls, throwing an astronaut into space and even the usual self-destructing mines. Have to react faster and faster, or live to finish the journey will not succeed.

[b]How to install the DLC (full version):[/b]
With iFunBox move the Library folder in your game folder, located in var / mobile / Applications on your device.

[b]On file:[/b]
File format:. Ipa
Version: 1.0.1
Firmware: 3.0 and above (iOS 4.0)
Platform: iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad


[b]    Torrent Mirror: [/b][url=http://torrent.dl4all.com/search/Astronut (2011/ENG/iPhone/iPad)]Astronut (2011/ENG/iPhone/iPad)[/url]

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