@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » ]Android上的Osmos:宇宙大爆炸 Big Bang v1.0

2011-3-19 10:25 bunnylai
]Android上的Osmos:宇宙大爆炸 Big Bang v1.0


Big Bang是一款類似Osmos的遊戲, 同Osmos一樣,該遊戲將你置身於宇宙中,作為一粒塵埃,你的任務就是去吞噬那些比你小的塵埃,以使自己變得更強大。 不過在這個過程中可得小心那些比你大的塵埃,因為他們可以把你吞噬了。

Epic adventures of a matter particle through the eras of development of the Universe. Imagine yourself the smallest particle which was thrown out of the singularity of the Big Bang and which is running through time and space in order to perish again. Did you expect something like Osmos for Android? Explore the mysterious universe of the Big Bang – you are going to like it!

Device tilt control
Touch screen control
Track ball control
Physically correct behavior of matter particles
Variety of physically based effects: gravitational attraction, event horizon, momentum conservation during the matter interchange, annihilation etc.
Variety of eras and missions
Fully translated into English, French and Russian
New levels with each free update!

Recent changes:
Application label was changed

Android 2.1及以上







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