@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 太空的士Galataxi v1.1.1

2011-3-21 21:53 bunnylai
太空的士Galataxi v1.1.1


用有限的燃料將乘客從A星球搭載到B星球即可過關,途中要滿足乘客的要求,例如限時到達,星球環繞,跟踪小行星等。 左鍵控制方向,右鍵推進(消耗燃料),中間小 地圖 為目的地提示。 這是完全版,有ABCD四類關卡共38關,後續版本應該會有更多關卡,敬請期待。

- Galaxy Tab
- Galaxy S
- Nexus One
- Nexus S
- HTC Hero

- ZTE Blade
- 其他沒有GPU(圖形處理器)的設備.

增強對某些設備的支持,如Galaxy S & Tab

F rom Pocket Racing developer Measured Software comes Galataxi:

There's no job too big or small for this taxi as distant galaxies beckon and unchartered worlds await. Negotiate asteroids, perform treacherous landings and avoid those dreaded black holes eager to swallow you up, along with your precious fare!

Make the Galaxy your playground with Galataxi!

Features real gravity physics and downloadable replays of the top 10 players in the world.

38 levels included, with more to come through free updates.

WARNING: this game is HARD!

Devices supported (known):

- Galaxy Tab
- Galaxy S
- Nexus One
- Nexus S
- HTC Hero

Devices NOT supported:

- ZTE Blade
- Any other device without a GPU.
Recent changes:
- Added Immersion haptic feedback for compatible devices, such as Galaxy S & Tab.

Android 2.1及以上





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