@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0 ~ 絕大多數影音格式的解碼器

2012-3-24 20:09 le2712
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0 ~ 絕大多數影音格式的解碼器

[size=2]【軟體名稱】:K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0
【檔案大小】:22.8 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles / mediafire / rghost
一般視訊播放外掛程式合集,包括目前最新的: - BSplayer - DivX Pro Decoding - DivX Pro Encoding - DivX MPEG-4 Low and Fast motion - XviD Decoding - XviD Encoding - 3ivX D4 ...


K-lite Codec Pack共有三個版本:Basic、Standard和 Full.它為您提供絕大多數影音格式的解碼器,裝了它,您的播放機就可以通吃絕大多數的影音格式

K-Lite 各版本差異概述:


Full:除了包含 Standard 之元件外,另支援無損音訊格式,並支援更多的視訊,較適用於玩家以及視訊的編輯以及編碼

Corporate:這是一個較特殊的版本,較適用於企業環境中,該版本近似於 Full 版本,但某些項目並不包含於該版本

Mega:此為 K-Lite Mega Codec Pack,它包含了 Full 版之所有元件,另外包含 Real Alternative
Changes K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0 | 2012-03-23:
- Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version
- Updated ffdshow to version 1.1.4399
- Updated LAV Filters to version 0.49 build 2012-03-22
- Updated madVR to version 0.82.5
- Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 5.3.0
- Updated Win7DSFilterTweaker to version 5.2
- Updated MediaInfo Lite to version 0.7.54
- Compatible with Windows 8 Consumer Preview
- Added Icaros 1.3.2
- Icaros is an Explorer shell extension for video thumbnails. It should provide better thumbnailing functionality than Microsoft’s shell extensions.
- Icaros requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4. This is part of Windows 8 by default. Vista and Windows 7 users can install it through Windows Update. Icaros is not available on Windows XP.
[img]http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Hp.png[/img]Homepage - [url=http://www.codecguide.com/]www.codecguide.com[/url]

[url=http://depositfiles.com/files/0ev3x9nw7]K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0[/url]
[url=http://rghost.net/37188186]K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0[/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?199fg8oo9l6nepy]K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.6.0[/url][/quote]

[quote]確保下載的軟體能正常使用,請使用 [img]http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x333/le3910/WinRAR.png[/img] WinRAR 最新版本解壓
[url=http://depositfiles.com/files/ipmniv2ce]WinRAR 4.11 - Final (x86/x64)[/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?v1jksc5d67khwc6]WinRAR 4.11 - Final (x86/x64)[/url][/quote][/size]

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