@KTzone » 日常 - 工作創業 » 面試中英文對答範例

2012-5-4 13:53 superposter


2012-5-4 13:53 superposter

Please tell me something about yourself? 請介紹一下你自己好嗎?

I'm _____________ and I come from Canada. I was born in ____, _______,__th. Three years ago, I graduated from___________l University. I majored in ___________________. I am interested in classical music and new things. On the personal side, I think I'm very frank and have a strong sense of responsibility. Thank you.

2012-5-4 13:55 superposter

When you were at school, were you totally involved in any activities?

Yes, I think the school time is the best time to go out to see the world and become independent. So I often traveled during the holidays. Meanwhile I worked as to get some money to support myself for traveling and to save some money for my tuition fee. By these means, I obtained a lot of useful experience. This surely is helpful to my future work. I was selected as a member of our school baseball team, and I spent almost all my leisure time in training and taking part in matches. Although the training was really hard, it strengthened my will and I've benefited a lot from it.


2012-5-4 13:56 superposter

Would you say that you are more outgoing or more reserved type?你覺得你的個性是傾於外向,還是內向?

Well, I think I'm very outgoing by nature. I like being with people and working with them.我的個性是很外向開朗的。我喜歡跟人打交道,與人合作共事。

2012-5-4 13:57 superposter

Would you talk about your strength and weakness? 可以談一談你的優點和缺點嗎?

Well, I'm a very passionate person and patient as well. I can take difficult jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done. Sometimes, I may look dull. But when you get to know me better, you'll see that I'm pretty quiet in fact. One of my weakness is that I'm not good talking in front of people. I need to work on that.

2012-5-4 13:58 superposter

Q: Tell me about yourself. /How would a friend describe you?〈自我介紹一下。/你的朋友會怎麼形容你?〉

表面上只是叫你作自我介紹,但對方也要趁機了解你的自視(self-esteem)高低:你有自卑感,還是太驕 傲,或是相當均衡?請盡量呈現一個「健康」的形象。
A: I am self-confident and optimistic. When it comes to work, I always get the job done. Community service is an additional source from which I derive my sense of achievement.

2012-5-4 13:59 superposter

Q: Why do you want this job? / Why do you want to work for this company ?〈你為什麼想要這份工作?/ 你為什麼想要進我們的公司工作?〉

A: My undergraduate background in journalism and my interpersonal and communication skills make me ideally suited for the post of PR director. Your company is a leading garment retail chain and is in the process of extending its franchising operations to mainland China. My research has convinced me that this is the right move at the right time, and I want to be a part of your growth.

2012-5-4 14:00 superposter

Q: What do you think of the last company you worked for ? Why are you leaving now? 〈你覺得妳原來的公司怎麼樣?為什麼要離開?〉

A: It was an excellent company that took good care of its people and provided valuable training . I learned to use Microsoft Office there and took managerial classes too. However, it was a family enterprise and I simply reached the ceiling for an “outsider” .I choose to leave because I needed more challenge and greater responsibilities.

2012-5-4 14:15 superposter

Q: What do you think of your supervisor?〈你覺得你原來的上司怎樣?〉

A: My supervisor was a capable leader . I learned a lot from him, and we communicated very well . He did not tie me down with too many regulations, but provided help when needed.

2012-5-4 14:16 superposter

Q: Tell me about a time when you had to solve a difficult problem.

A: I was marketing director for two years at Shun-Li Enterprises, a supplier of parts for electric motors. When I took the job, the bulk of our products were sold to a single Japanese manufacturer . I sensed the danger inherent in overreliance on a single customer base. While the board did not appreciate my efforts, I won the support of the CEO .A year and a half later ,our Japanese customer accounted for some 20% of our output , down from 60%.And then the Asian financial crisis hit .Our Japanese customer went out of business, but we were able to carry on relatively unharmed.

2012-5-4 14:18 superposter

Q: Do you work best in a team or independently?〈你是在團對中還是在獨立工作時最有效率?〉

A: I am comfortable working in both situations and have achieved satisfactory results in each. However, I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one. The synergy produced by teamwork is often greater than the sum of individual efforts.

2012-5-4 15:47 superposter

Q: What do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses?〈你覺得自己最大的長處與缺點分別是什麼?〉

A: My greatest strength is my ability to achieve results. My interpersonal and communication skills help me build an ever-expanding web of connection, which aids me greatly in getting the job done. My eagerness in achieving results has sometimes been mistaken for impatience. However, I have learned how to avoid giving such an impression while pursuing my goals.

2012-5-4 15:48 superposter

Q: How do you handle criticism?〈你如何處理別人的批評?〉

A: I welcome criticism, because criticism is valuable feedback on how well I've been doing. Criticism from my supervisor, especially, points out areas in which improvement is desired and sets goals for me to work toward.

2012-5-4 15:48 superposter
Q: Do you know how to motivate others?〈你如何激發別人嗎?〉

A: While working in a leadership position, I learned that different people are motivated by different things. I always observe what motivates a certain person--position, money, or honor--and encourage him or her accordingly.

2012-5-4 15:49 superposter

Q: What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now? / What are your career goals? 〈你覺得五年以後你會做什麼?/你的職業目標是什麼?〉

A: In five years I hope to have been promoted in proportion to my contributions to a post that requires substantial responsibilities and entails sizable stock options in the company.

2012-5-4 15:50 superposter

Q: What are your interests outside of work?〈工作之餘,你有什麼興趣?〉

A: I like fishing and listening to classical music. In addition, I am a volunteer member of the Lifeline Association, where I spend one night every week taking calls on their hotline.

2012-5-4 15:50 superposter

Q: What did you earn in your last job? / What level of salary are looking for now? 〈你原來的工作待遇是多少?/ 你現在期望的待遇如何?〉

A: I wouldn’t want to prejudice myself by using what I earned as a standard. Perhaps it’s best to discuss this when we’ve gone over the precise responsibilities of the job. I’m also interested in knowing the range of pay for the position.

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