@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » 大英百科全書/不列顛百科全書ENCYCLOPEDIA.Britannica.2012

2013-4-28 15:20 beibt

大英百科全書 / 不列顛百科全書 2012



·Windows XP (with SP2), Vista, or Win7
·Pentium III 或等效處理器
·512MB RAM (推薦 1GB )
·2.05GB 剩余空間 (4.70GB 完全安裝)


·Mac OS 10.5.x or 10.6.x
·PowerPC G5 或者 Intel Core 處理器
·512MB RAM (推薦 1GB )
·2.05GB 剩余空間 (4.70GB 完全安裝)

  Encyclop?dia Britannica,一般翻譯為《大英百科全書》或者《不列顛百科全書》,被認為是當今世界上最知名和最權威的百科全書。


一、Encyclop?dia Britannica Library (適合成人使用)
二、Britannica Student Library (適合初中高中生使用)
三、Britannica Elementary Library (適合兒童使用)

  2012 旗艦版還包含了《韋氏字典》、《韋氏詞庫》以及《韋氏西班牙語-英語雙向詞典》

  微軟 Encarta 的誕生,預示了百科全書的未來必然是電子化。大英百科從此也開始奮起直追,趕上時代的步伐。隨著互聯網、搜索引擎、在線百科和雲資料庫的發展,Encarta 在大時代面前失去了方向,2009 版已經成為它的絕唱;大英百科則憑借著無可替代的權威性和知識底蘊,在網絡信息洪流面前守住了自己的陣地。我們平時查閱信息可以通過 Google、Wiki 等方式,但在為論文和報告查找引用文獻時,大英百科仍然是最可靠的選擇。而且它將龐大的知識庫編排為成年人、學生、兒童三個不同的百科,從而更好地適應不同年齡段的學習者,家長也可以放心地讓自己的孩子使用,無需擔心孩子看到不適合的內容。

Three Encyclopedias in One Resource: Adult, Student and Children's
Spend less time searching and more time learning with the new Encyclop?dia Britannica 2012 Ultimate Edition, ideal for research, homework or everyday fact-finding. With three age-specific learning areas for ages 6 to adult, this complete reference suite makes it easy to find whatever you need. Simply select the database that's right for you.
Three Encyclopedias in One
The Easy All-in-One Research Companion for ALL Ages
The Encyclop?dia Britannica 2012 Ultimate Editioncontain****tensive new and revised articles to put you at the forefront of recent advances so you can spend less time searching and more time learning.
With three age-specific learning areas for ages 6 to adult, this complete reference suite offers a wealth of interactive education for the entire family, ideal for research, homework or everyday fact-finding.
Simply select the database that's right for you.
1. Encyclopedia Britannica Library
Advanced-level content for secondary school, university students and adults.
A vast array of detailed articles written by notable experts. Contains both short and book-length articles on a huge range of subjects.
Access the world's most trusted and authoritative information, featuring over 82,000 articles from the 32-volume Encyclop?dia Britannica print set.
This library contains both short and book-length articles on a huge range of subjects, plus new content covering the past year's news and events, with existing content updated to reflect new developments
2. Britannica Student Library
Intermediate-level content for students aged 10-14.
Provides interactive study guide*****ercises, activities and useful tips to encourage confident learning and accurate research.
Over 16,500 articles that students can quickly and easily access for up-to-date, accurate and trusted research information.
With interactive study guide*****ercises, activities and useful tips to encourage confident learning and accurate research, it's the ideal resource for homework, school projects and essays.
3. Britannica Children's Library
Introductory-level content for young pupils aged 6-10. Shorter articles with fun and easy learning tools for primary school children. Helps to build confidence and improves skills learned at school.
Shorter articles and fun and easy learning tools for primary school children. Helps to build confidence and improves skills learned at school.
More Multimedia and Online Tools
Thousands of engaging videos, photos, audio clips, magazines and web links to keep children interested and motivated to learn.
Download Link:**** Hidden Message *****

2013-4-28 16:05 scatchen

Thanks a lot for this.

2013-4-29 15:54 good_dgw

2013-5-1 08:10 grace0913a
thank you very much

2013-5-5 18:18 kolong

2013-5-11 11:19 fatelt
好書 感謝

2013-5-18 19:15 sunnyma
Thanks a lot

2014-5-22 20:23 wongmilly
good thanks

2014-5-23 22:59 oreo67
Thanks a lot

2014-7-23 14:39 PO374374

2014-9-5 18:55 JOY120101
Thanks a lot

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