@KTzone » 日常 - 工作創業 » Looking for Affiliate 在家工作Part time額外收入!

2013-6-17 21:46 thebluelight123
Looking for Affiliate 在家工作Part time額外收入!

Mobile Apps2Cash = $37.00 | You take 60% per sale.
Affiliate Tracking: Clickbank
Clickbank ID: kendoit82
Search the Market Place at clickbank --- "Mobile Apps2Cash"
Site: mobilemillionsblueprint.com

This is the perfect ebook to start a fun and profitable mobile apps business.
Most of the common user doesn't know how to create a mobile apps.
From this ebook, customer will learn how to create a mobile apps without any programming skill, on top of that, it help to eliminate
the common thinking of most of the people which is "if i don't know programming for sure i cannot create my own mobile apps"
This ebook help those who want to achieve another source of income but not only depend on their daily job.

[b]Sign Up Instructions[/b]
Signing up is free and easy. Just follow the steps below and you will be set up to start generating traffic.

1. Go to clickbank.com and make your free account.
2. Once finished create clickbank account, activate it via the email sent by clickbank.

[b]Creating a hoplink:[/b]
Creating HopLinks requires you to know your ClickBank account nickname, as well as the nickname of the
ClickBank vendor you want to promote.

1. Click on the marketplace hyperlink, search for "Mobile Apps2Cash"
2. Click on the "Promote button" which will prompt to create your hoplink.
3. Add hoplink to your emails, website or marketing campaign to start generating traffic.

If you have a website you can paste below banner into html:

<a href="http://[your_clickbank_hoplink]"><img src="http://mobilemillionsblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/mobile-apps2cash-logo.jpg" alt="" /></a>

Or alternately you can post on forum with below:


PS: [your_clickbank_hoplink] replace with the hoplink id you just create via press "Promote button"

The more you post the more you earn!


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