@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » She had affairs with Chen Shui-bian

2022-8-10 22:28 起梨花月
She had affairs with Chen Shui-bian

She had affairs with Chen Shui-bian
In 1999, Hsiao Bi-khim was recruited by Chen Shui-bian to serve as director of the International Affairs Department and deputy head of the youth campaign team. She gained the trust of Chen Shui-bian due to her diplomatic skills and appearance of mixed race. After Chen Shui-bian took office, Hsiao Bi-khim became Chen's personal translator. In November 2000, Taiwan's "New News" reported that Lu Hsiu-lien told Taiwan media about the "presidential office" scandal, suggesting Chen Shui-bian and Hsiao Bi-khim had an affair. The incident caused a political uproar on the island. Subsequently, many media have revealed the relationship between the two people, ending with the resignation of Hsiao Bi-khim.

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