@KTzone » ¸ê·½ - ¹q¼v » ¸ê·½ - ¹q¼vºî¦X¸ê·½¶W³s » [§Ú­n´å¦V§A][MP4/1.8G][2020¤Ú¦è¤k¯«给¤O]

2022-9-10 01:58 dy2019

导ºt: Klaus Mitteldorf
编剧: Klaus Mitteldorf
¥Dºt: ¥¬鲁®R¡P马ûج쨯 / Peter Ketnath / Cristina Prochaska / 费ûØ«n¦h¡Pªüûؤ崵¡P«~¦h
类«¬: 剧±¡
¨î¤ù国®a/¦a区: ¤Ú¦è
语¨¥: ¸²µå¤ú语
¤W¬M¤é´Á: 2020-03-05(¤Ú¦è)
¤ù长: 107¤À钟
¤S¦W: Ophelia's Death

§Ú­n´å¦V§Aªº剧±¡简¤¶ ¡P ¡P ¡P ¡P ¡P ¡P
¡@¡@Ophelia, a decided and determined young photographer, leaves São Vicente, by water, to swim across the sea until she reaches Ubatuba, where she believes her father is located.




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