@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » Apple QuickTime Pro 繁體中文版 (連註冊機)

2007-11-7 17:54 亞佬
【軟體名稱】: Apple QuickTime Pro繁體中文版 (連註冊機)
【檔案大小】:20.88 MB
【程式語言】:多國語言 (含繁體中文)



有了 QuickTime 7 Pro,您不但可以做到上述事項,還不僅於此。適用於MS Windows OS 的 QuickTime 7 Pro 為想要觀賞、錄製、製作或共享高品質多媒體的人提供了一個絕佳的方案。

無論是執掌攝影機、拍攝數位相片,或想要將那些珍貴的畫面或照片與朋友分享的人,都可以因此受益。即使是只想全螢幕觀看影片或電影預告片的人,以及想要將其最喜歡的影片儲存下來以便日後觀賞的人,也會喜歡上使用 QuickTime 7 Pro。若您想要在網站上創造真正的多媒體體驗,您絕對無法找到比這更容易使用或更便宜的工具。

QuickTime 7 Pro 是一個適用於製作高品質影音內容的強大應用程式,可讓您製作 H.264 視訊、擷取影音內容、製作多聲道,並在您繼續播放或編輯視訊時輸出多重檔案。除了強大的功能與易用性外,它亦十分經濟實惠。只要 $29.95 美元就可以升級至 QuickTime 7 Pro。然後您便可以享用 QuickTime 7 Pro 的優點來:


利用 FireWire 攝影機拍攝影像畫面或聲音,並快速剪輯,以便與您的家人分享視訊明信片。您甚至可以只錄製聲音,將旁白加入影片中。

想要將影片寄給朋友或工作夥伴嗎?只要選擇共享,則 QuickTime 7 Pro 就會扛下一切吃重工作。您可以利用電子郵件寄送,或將透過您的 .Mac 帳號公佈。

On-screen remote controls
想要以全螢幕觀賞影片嗎?每一個人都可以。而且當您以新的 QuickTime 7 Pro 觀賞全螢幕影片時真是一種享受。移動游標,您便可以在螢幕上看到遙控器。您可以利用這個控制器輕易暫停、播放、停止、倒轉、快轉影片,或按一下滑鼠將畫面快速切回實際大小。想要改變其位置嗎?您現在就可以這樣做!只要用滑鼠抓起它,移動到您想要螢幕上放置的位置即可。

您可以輕易製作並以 AIFF 與 MOV 格式輸出多聲道音訊(可達 5.1 環繞音響)。若您的播放視窗沒有環繞音響,也別擔心。QuickTime 會混音輸出至個別揚聲器設定上。若結合 H.264 視訊,您便可以利用完全高解析度的品質製作出真正劇院品質的體驗。

利用 QuickTime 7 Pro,您可以製作 AAC 音訊檔案,針對固定品質而非位元率最佳化,以固定獲得更棒的聆聽體驗。

利用 Mac OS X Tiger 裡的 Automator 將工作自動化,如加入註解或簡單編輯與輸出。
3G support

製作 3G 檔案以便行動觀看
輸出 3G 檔案以便 RTSP 串流播放?透過 QuickTime 7 Pro,它們可以完全與其它 3G 串流播放接收器整合並提供架構。
3G support

現在,QuickTime 7 Pro 的熱鍵可讓您輕易的建立起點與終點,簡化編輯過程,讓您更富生產力。

3G support
要編輯影片嗎?當您在擁有多重處理器的 Power Mac 上使用 QuickTime 7 Pro 時,便可以同時處理多重輸出 — 並同時繼續編輯與播放視訊。

Apple QuickTime Pro


The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications work together to provide the industry’s first end-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system.

QuickTime Pro
Export content to iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV. Capture movies and share them easily with your friends and family. Encode with the new H.264 video codec for exceptional quality.

Do you want to watch movies on iPhone, iPod, or Apple TV? Save your favorite movie trailers on your computer to watch over and over again? Create compelling slideshows — complete with a soundtrack — for friends and family? Record audio podcasts and share them with the world?

You can do all of that — and much more — with QuickTime 7 Pro. Available for Windows, QuickTime 7 Pro offers a perfect solution for anyone who enjoys watching, recording, creating or sharing high-quality multimedia.

Convert Your Media
Want to watch your home movies on the go or in your living room? QuickTime 7 Pro allows you to easily export any file playable in QuickTime Player to a format optimized for iPhone, iPod, Apple TV or a variety of other devices. Just open a movie in QuickTime 7 Pro, select Export from the File menu and choose your destination in the Export drop-down menu. A great way to create video podcasts!

Multimedia Heaven
Just about anyone who wields a videocamera, takes digital photographs or wants to share those precious videos or photos with friends can benefit. If you want to create a true multimedia experience on your website, you won’t find a tool that’s easier to use or less expensive.

Astounding New Codec
And as a powerful application ideal for creating high-quality audio and video content, QuickTime 7 Pro lets you create H.264 video, capture audio, create multi-channel audio and compress a file as you continue to playback or edit another video. Powerful and easy to use, it’s also very affordable. You can upgrade to QuickTime 7 Pro for just $29.99 — why, that’s just 8 cents a day for a year. Then you can take advantage of QuickTime 7 Pro to:

Capture Audio
Use a microphone to capture audio and quickly edit and share thought-provoking podcasts with the world. You can even record an audio voiceover to narrate a photo slideshow or one of your family’s treasured home movies.

Soundly Astound Them
You can easily create and export multi-channel audio (up to 5.1 surround sound) in AIFF and MOV formats. If your viewers don’t have surround speakers, don’t worry. QuickTime will mix down to the speaker setup of the individual. When combined with H.264 video, you can create truly cinematic experiences in full high-definition quality.

Optimize Your Audio
With QuickTime 7 Pro, you can create AAC audio files optimized for constant quality, instead of bit rate, for a consistently higher listening experience.

Automate Your Workflow
Take advantage of Visual Basic Scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as adding annotations or simple editing/exporting.

Create 3G Files for Mobile Viewing
Output 3G files for RTSP streaming? With QuickTime 7 Pro, they’re fully interoperable with other 3G streaming handsets and delivery architectures.

Edit Video More Easily
New hot keys in QuickTime 7 Pro let you easily create in- and out-points, simplifying the editing process and making you more productive.

Export Movies In the Background
Editing video? When you use QuickTime 7 Pro, you can process and export and still continue to edit and play back another video at the same time.

Apple's Homepage : [url=http://www.apple.com/]http://www.apple.com/[/url]

- Scanned with KIS 7 ; It's virus free

Instructions :
1. Install
2. Use keygen to generate a serial number
3. Use serial
4. Enjoy!

2007-11-8 13:20 kk123456kk
thanks for sharing!

2007-11-8 15:07 michael29733

2007-11-9 07:59 dorris0918

2007-11-9 17:52 kuan363

2007-11-9 18:03 bade

2007-11-12 03:20 ltc9368

2007-11-12 21:44 man007700

2007-11-18 18:41 james-milk

2007-11-18 23:54 cmvision88
Thanks for your sharing.

2007-11-21 07:57 tz610

2007-11-21 21:11 mopak

2007-11-21 22:39 ching363

2007-11-23 10:50 matt2000

2007-11-27 19:44 stevenwingchek
thankyou so much

2007-12-1 08:54 purple_dream11

2007-12-1 22:09 ltc9368

2007-12-2 20:05 helfgott

2007-12-4 08:20 walack

2007-12-9 21:06 monkey1813
thank you very much。

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